STRONGER TOGETHER: Inspiring Positive Change
SPCV – Solihull Parent Carer Voice C.I.C Ltd
Solihull Parent Carer Voice CIC is registered in England number- 13348753 Registered office is-631 Warwick Road, Solihull, B91 1AR

STRONGER TOGETHER: Inspiring positive change
SPCV – Solihull Parent Carer Voice C.I.C Ltd
Solihull Parent Carer Voice CIC is registered in England number- 13348753 Registered office is- 631 Warwick Road, Solihull B91 1AR

Inspiring Positive Change
SPCV – Solihull Parent Carer Voice
Aims of Solihull Parent Carer Voice
We are independent parent carers working together to raise awareness and improve outcomes for all children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND 0-25).
We work with organisations that provide services for our families. We are completely independent of the Local Council and Health services which lets us share the experiences and ideas of parent carers, giving them a voice and effect positive change.
While the forum is not a support group, we want to work with all support groups across the borough to ensure the voice of their members is heard. The forum is passionate that the collective voice of all families is being heard.
We welcome any parent, grandparent or foster parent with a child or young person regardless of their disabilities, these may range from complex medical needs to challenging behaviour, learning or physical difficulties to join the forum.
The forum does not require a diagnosis for you to become a member. The forum is open to all families living in Solihull or those living outside accessing schools and services within health, education and social care that are provided within Solihull. Read more about us>
Aims of Solihull Parent Carer Voice
We are independent parent carers working together to raise awareness and improve outcomes for all children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND 0-25).
We work with organisations that provide services for our families. We are completely independent of the Local Council and Health services which lets us share the experiences and ideas of parent carers, giving them a voice and effect positive change.
While the forum is not a support group, we want to work with all support groups across the borough to ensure the voice of their members is heard. The forum is passionate that the collective voice of all families is being heard.
We welcome any parent, grandparent or foster parent with a child or young person regardless of their disabilities, these may range from complex medical needs to challenging behaviour, learning or physical difficulties to join the forum.
The forum does not require a diagnosis for you to become a member. The forum is open to all families living in Solihull or those living outside accessing schools and services within health, education and social care that are provided within Solihull. Read more about us>