As many of you know, Solihull is a part of the DfE’s Delivering Better Values work.
In February we will be having Charlotte Jones (Head of SEND) and Clair McNeill (Head of Education Outcomes and Intervention) join us to talk more about what is happening in Solihull as part of Delivering Better Values, however in the meantime the Local Authority have produced this information:
EHCP Contents Workshop
Please click below to see the slides from the EHCP contents workshop- this provides information about what the Law says should be in an EHCP and where it should be and what shouldn’t be in an EHCP.
It also includes the template that Solihull is now starting to use to Quality Check EHC plans.
EHCP Contents Workshop1
Steve Broach Social Care Training Slides
These slides are provided for general information only. They should not be treated as legal advice. If legal advice is needed, then a list of potential options is on Steve’s blog here:
SENDIAS- EHC-Needs-Assessments
SENDIAS- Choosing A School
SENDIAS- EHC flowchart of process
SENDIAS- EHCP Annual Reviews
SENDIAS- Mediation
SENDIAS- SEN Support & school meetings
Sendias service leaflet
SENDIAS- Speciify & Quantify
SENDIAS- Tracking an EHC Assessment